Abkhazia’s story unfolds alongside that of Colchis, a land known for its rich tapestry of cultures and its strategic location on the Black Sea. Around the 6th-5th centuries BC, enterprising Greek colonists, the Milesians, arrived on the eastern shore, drawn by the region’s potential. Flourishing maritime colonies sprung up, with Dioscurias (possibly the forerunner of modern Sukhumi) emerging as a crucial center for trade with the diverse local tribes. However, some sources suggest this trade wasn’t always above board, hinting at the existence of a slave trade.
The region boasted remarkable ethnic and linguistic diversity. Renowned classical authors like Herodotus, Strabo, and Pliny the Elder documented the abundance of languages spoken in Dioscurias and other coastal towns. The rugged mountains played a key role by isolating various communities, fostering the development of a multitude of distinct languages and dialects. This makes pinpointing the exact ethnicities and locations of these people a complex task for historians. Even the most knowledgeable modern scholars struggle to decipher the confusing names and limited information provided by classical sources about the region’s interior and its population. Additionally, some of these ancient ethnic designations might have been collective terms encompassing various groups. Furthermore, the region likely witnessed significant population movements throughout history.
Scholars continue to debate the identities of these ancient peoples. Some believe Pliny the Elder’s reference to the “Apsilae” in the 1st century AD and Arrian’s mention of the “Abasgoi” in the 2nd century AD could be early references to the ancestors of the Abkhaz and Abazas, respectively, based on potential linguistic connections. However, others propose these terms might refer to proto-Kartvelian (Georgian) tribal groups. The identities and origins of other intriguing groups mentioned in classical texts, such as the Heniochi and Sanigae, remain even more open to debate. Unfortunately, archaeological finds haven’t always provided clear links between the material culture unearthed and the enigmatic names from these ancient writings. This lack of definitive evidence fuels ongoing scholarly discussions and leaves many questions unanswered.
The Rise and Fall of Empires: Abkhazia Caught in the Middle
Around the 1st century BC, Abkhazia, along with the rest of Colchis, was swept up in the power struggles of the time. The ambitious king Mithridates VI Eupator of Pontus conquered the region between 110 and 63 BC. However, his reign was short-lived, and the Roman commander Pompey subsequently brought the area under Roman control. With the decline of the Roman Empire, the power vacuum allowed the local tribes to regain some autonomy, nominating their rulers with Roman approval.
The 3rd century AD witnessed a shift in power dynamics. The Lazi tribe, a dominant force in Colchis, established the kingdom of Lazica (locally known as Egrisi). According to the historian Procopius, the Abasgi chieftains, possibly early Abkhaz ancestors, found themselves under the sway of the Lazic kings.
Colchis became a battleground in the protracted rivalry between the Eastern Roman/Byzantine Empire and the Sassanid Persians. This culminated in the brutal Lazic War (542-562 AD), which ultimately led to the decline of Lazica. However, the Abasgi people, dwelling in their dense forests, managed to carve out a degree of autonomy under the Byzantine umbrella.
This Byzantine influence left a lasting mark on Abkhazia. The Byzantines constructed the fortified city of Sebastopolis within the region. Interestingly, Abasgia, as the Byzantines called the land, became a prime source of eunuchs for the empire. The people remained largely pagan until a mission sent by the emperor Justinian I (527-565 AD) successfully converted them to Christianity. Notably, a bishop from the port city of Pityus had even attended the 325 Council of Nicaea, suggesting a possible earlier exposure to Christianity. Furthermore, the Byzantines constructed defensive fortifications throughout Abkhazia, some of which, like the Kelasuri Wall, might have partially survived to this day.
Abkhazia’s story continues to unfold, shaped by the ebb and flow of empires, the arrival of Christianity, and the resilience of its people. The following sections will delve deeper into the rise of the Abkhazian kingdom, the complex relationship with Georgia, and the tumultuous events of the 20th and 21st centuries.